project what we will deliver
- 2024
- Toolbox to detect abnormal gyration
- 2025
- Publication on lesion-related brain connectivity impairment assessed from intracranial electrophysiology
- First release of generic detector of abnormality ready
- First simulation of brain network model with biophysical parameters and dopaminergic neuromodulation
- 2026
- Validation of D1.1 outputs using FTRACT
- Internal validation of the invariant Riemannian connectome model accomplished
- Validation of metrics based on directed FC and EC that track patient-specific deviations from healthy trajectories
- Validation of metrics based on dFC that track patient-specific deviations from healthy trajectories
- Virtual cohorts of healthy and AD trajectories are validated against cross-sectional cohorts
- Internal validation of Simulation-based generative modeling engine
- Brain network model with biophysical parameters and dopaminergic neuromodulation
- 2027
- Optimized tools to identify and characterize several lesion types, using several retrospective datasets
- Software module for invariant connectivity learning of functional connectomes for phenotypic prediction (and associated publication)
- Pipeline assessing individual Brain Health Status (BHS) using directed FC and EC for resting-state fMRI data (and associated publication)
- Toolbox for dFC-based prediction of cognitive impairment evolution and reserve estimation (and associated publication)
- Toolbox assessing BHS using Simulation-Based Inference (SBI)
- Software module for 3D generative modeling of the brain